(ns frpong.helpers (:require [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [! chan put! close! sliding-buffer dropping-buffer timeout]] [domina :as dom :refer [log]] [domina.events :as ev]) (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go]] [frpong.core :refer (go-loop)])) (defn now [] (.valueOf (js/Date.))) (defn put-all! [cs x] (doseq [c cs] (put! c x))) (defn probe [ch probe-name] (let [c (chan)] (go (loop [] (if-let [v (! c v) (recur)) (close! c)))) c)) (defn multiplex [in cs-or-n] (let [cs (if (number? cs-or-n) (repeatedly cs-or-n chan) cs-or-n)] (go (loop [] (let [x (! c (f v)) (recur)) (close! c)))) c)) (defn filter-chan [f source] (let [c (chan)] (go (loop [] (if-let [v (! c v)) (recur)) (close! c)))) c)) (defn interval-chan ([msecs] (interval-chan msecs :leading)) ([msecs type] (let [c (chan (dropping-buffer 1))] (condp = type :leading (go-loop (>! c (now)) (! c (now)))) c))) (defn throttle [source control] (let [c (chan)] (go (loop [state ::init last nil] (let [[v sc] (alts! [source control])] (condp = sc source (condp = state ::init (do (>! c v) (recur ::throttling last)) ::throttling (recur state v)) control (if last (do (>! c last) (recur state nil)) (recur ::init last)))))) c)) (defn sustain [source control] (let [c (chan)] (go (loop [last nil] (let [[v ch] (alts! [source control] :priority true)] (if (nil? v) (close! c) (condp = ch source (do (>! c v) (recur v)) control (do (when last (>! c last)) (recur last))))))) c)) (defn debounce [source msecs] (let [c (chan)] (go (loop [state ::init cs [source]] (let [[_ threshold] cs] (let [[v sc] (alts! cs)] (condp = sc source (condp = state ::init (do (>! c v) (recur ::debouncing (conj cs (timeout msecs)))) ::debouncing (recur state (conj (pop cs) (timeout msecs)))) threshold (recur ::init (pop cs))))))) c)) (defn after-last [source msecs] (let [c (chan)] (go (loop [cs [source]] (let [[_ toc] cs] (let [[v sc] (alts! cs :priority true)] (recur (condp = sc source (conj (if toc (pop cs) cs) (timeout msecs)) toc (do (>! c (now)) (pop cs)))))))) c)) (defn fan-in [ins] (let [c (chan)] (go-loop (let [[x] (alts! ins)] (>! c x))) c)) (defn distinct-chan [source] (let [c (chan)] (go (loop [last ::init] (let [v (! c v)) (recur v)))) c)) (defn event-chan [event-type] (let [c (chan)] (ev/listen! event-type #(put! c %)) c)) (defn key-chan [keycodes] (let [source (event-chan :keydown) c (chan)] (go-loop (let [kc (:keyCode (! c (keycodes kc))))) c)) (defn frame-chan [] (let [fc (chan (sliding-buffer 1000)) rc (chan (sliding-buffer 10)) step (fn step [ts] (let [req-id (.requestAnimationFrame js/window step)] (put! fc ts) (put! rc req-id))) stop-fn (fn [] (go (loop [] (if-let [id (! c count) (recur (inc count))) (close! c)))) c)) (defn diff-chan [source] (let [c (chan)] (go (let [start (! c (- v start)) (recur v)) (close! c))))) c)) (defn dropping-chan [source n] (let [c (chan)] (go (loop [count 0] (if-let [v (! c v)) (recur (rem (inc count) n))) (close! c)))) c)) (defprotocol Mux (muxch* [_])) (defprotocol Mult (tap* [m ch close?]) (untap* [m ch]) (untap-all* [m])) (defn mult "Creates and returns a mult(iple) of the supplied channel. Channels containing copies of the channel can be created with 'tap', and detached with 'untap'. Each item is distributed to all taps in parallel and synchronously, i.e. each tap must accept before the next item is distributed. Use buffering/windowing to prevent slow taps from holding up the mult. Items received when there are no taps get dropped. If a tap put throws an exception, it will be removed from the mult." [ch] (let [cs (atom {}) ;;ch->close? m (reify Mux (muxch* [_] ch) Mult (tap* [_ ch close?] (swap! cs assoc ch close?) nil) (untap* [_ ch] (swap! cs dissoc ch) nil) (untap-all* [_] (reset! cs {}) nil)) dchan (chan 1) dctr (atom nil) done #(when (zero? (swap! dctr dec)) (put! dchan true))] (go (loop [] (let [val (